Publications and Reports
April 25, 2014: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "The B61 Family Of Nuclear Bombs"
March 21, 2014: Wall Street Journal, "It's Not Just Ukraine, It's What Russia May Try Next"
March 14, 2014: Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, "U.S. Military Nuclear Material Unaccounted For: Missing In Action Or Just Sloppy Practices?
February 10, 2014: Wilson Center, "Japan's Role In Asia's Nuclear Security"
January 27, 2014: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Negotiated Cuts: A New Nuclear Weapons Treaty Is Not The Only Option"
December 2013: Global Fissile Material Report 2013, "Nuclear Warhead Stockpiles And Transparency"
December 11, 2013: Al Jazeera America, "Congress Should Delay Action On New Sanctions Against Iran"
December 5, 2013: The Business Insider (Australia), "I 3D-Printed An AR-15 Assault Rifle"
December 2, 2013: Hiroshima Report Blog, "Implications Of The Recent Deal With Iran On Getting Controls On Civilian Nuclear Fuel Cycles"
November 12, 2013: Al Jazeera America, "Iran Is Negotiating With The Wrong US Officials"
October 31, 2013: Small Arms Survey, "Parts For Small Arms And Light Weapons"
October 12, 2013: The National Interest, "The Siren Song Of Zero Enrichment"
October 11, 2013: FAS Report, "The MANPADS Threat And International Efforts To Address It"
September 2013: Arms Control Today, "Falling Short Of Prague: Obama's Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy"
August 29, 2013: The Hill, "Syria's Age-Old Question"
August 26, 2013: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "The Chemical Weapons Of Syria"
August 26, 2013: "FAS Summer Public Interest Report"
August 23, 2013: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Thinking Outside Fukushima"
August 10, 2013: Al Jazeera, "NATO Risks Unity Over Emerging Technologies Divide"
July 31, 2013: The Hill, "The Making Of An Iraq Sequel In Iran"
July 22, 2013: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Lessons Unlearned"
July 22, 2013: Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Volume 48, No. 2, Summer 2013, "An Inquiry Into The Dynamics Of Government Secrecy"
July 18, 2013: Roll Call, "Countering An Iranian Rope-a-Dope"
June 13, 2013: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Barely Lethal"
May 28, 2013: Spring 2013 Public Interest Report
May 13, 2013: FAS Issue Brief, "Regulating Japanese Nuclear Power in the Wake of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident"
May 2, 2013: The Strategic Review, "The Bomb, The Test Ban And Nuclear Disarmament"
April 30, 2013: CNN- Global Public Square, "U.S. Kicks Syria Chemical Weapons Can Down The Road"
April 16, 2013: "Statement on Shared Strategic Priorities in the Aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident"
April 3, 2013: "Iran's Nuclear Odyssey: Costs and Risks"

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Publications Department
Federation of American Scientists
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By Project:
Below are links to pages containing articles, fact sheets, issue briefs and reports by FAS project:
Arms Sales Monitoring Project
Biosecurity Fact Sheets
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports
Nuclear Information Project

Issue Briefs
Original analysis by FAS experts are available as free PDF downloads. These reports provide nonpartisan research for policymakers, government officials, academics, and the public.

FAS maintains multiple blogs on topics ranging from government secrecy to national security concerns.

Public Interest Report
FAS members receive the PIR, the online quarterly science and security journal, one week before it is released to the public. The annual subscription to the online journal is $50.00. A full listing of back issues is available online.